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Clubs, schools and organizations

Grow your club with our free photo shoots.

Our concept is based on free photo shoots, creative designs, webshops and a revenue model for your organization. And no… there really are no hidden costs!

Discover method

No risk

Grow and earn with our free photo shoots. No hidden costs before, during, or after.

Minimal effort

The only help needed is with the photoshoot and handing out the pre-sorted orders.

User-friendly platform

Our system is fully automated and 100% online.

As of 200 members

Our services are 100% free for organizations with more than 200 members.


Creative designs with your own logo and colors

We create designs that fully express your organization’s DNA. Based on the logo and brand or team colors, we get to work designing various creative foregrounds and backgrounds.

Next step

Free photoshoot in a professional setting

We will choose one date together when the TIRO team will come by for the photo shoot of all members.

  • Professional pop-up photo studio
  • Portraits of all players or members
  • As an organization, you may freely use our photos on online management platforms such as Pro Soccor Data, Smartschool, …
Next step

Personalized visuals for all members

All members shine with personalized visuals based on the logo and corporate colors. The results are free to combine with your own photos and multiple designs of your choice.

Next step

Personal webshops for all members

All members receive a personal webshop containing their photos and designs. Parents, family and friends have the option of ordering the photos online as a photo or printed on a gadget. The webshops are secured with a personal and unique access code. Select and combine as you wish:

  • Different photo sizes
  • Digital downloads
  • Keychains
  • Coffee Mugs
  • Posters & more…
Next step

Determine your commission

And there’s more… Earn a nice amount of money as an organization! This commission is based on your members’ total turnover from the webshop.


1 year TIRO
  • 5% commission
  • One-time photoshoot
  • Free photoshoot for all members
  • Custom creative designs
  • Personalized visuals per member
  • Personal webshop per member
  • Photos to be used freely by organization


2 years TIRO
  • 10% commission (annual)
  • Annual photoshoot
  • Free photoshoot for all members
  • Custom creative designs
  • Personalized visuals per member
  • Personal webshop per member
  • Photos to be used freely by organization


3 years TIRO
  • 15% commission (annual)
  • Annual photoshoot
  • Free photoshoot for all members
  • Custom creative designs
  • Personalized visuals per member
  • Personal webshop per member
  • Photos to be used freely by organization